Microfibre/ Microfiber Testing
The Microfibre Consortium (TMC) Accredited Test Method
As an industry, we have become increasingly aware of the issue of fiber fragmentation and its potential as a serious environmental polluter, with a growing body of scientific literature related to the presence of textile fiber fragments in aquatic and atmospheric environments, associated emission routes, and potential consequences. As well as being damaging to wildlife and ecosystems, there are concerns that their physical presence, and propensity as carriers for other harmful chemicals, is posing a health risk to humans.
As a signatory Bureau Veritas CPS is working with The Microfibre Consortium (TMC) to build an understanding by contributing to their research data on fiber fragmentation, reducing fiber fragmentation by adopting mitigation actions, driving progress by participating in task groups and scaling global uptake.
What is MicrofibeR testing?
Bureau Veritas CPS laboratories in Guangzhou (China), Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam) and Taiwan have been accredited for The Microfibre Consortium Test Method, which is a test to evaluate the amount of fiber fragment release into water after domestic laundering with the ability to compare levels of fragment release between different products.
Microfibre Testing TMC Accredited Test Method
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