
Argentina Revises Labeling Requirements for Imported Garments Clothing Footwear

Jun. 6 2024

Argentina is repealing and replacing several of the requirements in Resolutions Nos. 26/96 of the former Ministry of Trade and Investment and 850/96 of the former Ministry of Economy and Public Works and Services and its amendments.  They are also repealing Resolution 404/16 of the Ministry of Commerce. 

This action is in agreement with the Mercosur Technical Regulation on the Labeling of Textile Products, incorporated into the national legal system via Law 24.560. 

The following highlights the most pertinent revisions: 

Revisions to Resolution 26 of January 19, 1996:

- Article 5 will be replaced by the following:  
"ARTICLE 5.- The labels or legends referred to in Resolution No. 622 of December 4, 1995 of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES and Articles 6 and 7 of this resolution shall present the corresponding information in Spanish." 

- Article 8 will be replaced by the following: 
"ARTICLE 8.- The identification of the exporter on the labels or legends referred to in Resolution No. 622/95 of the former MINISTRY OF ECONOMY AND PUBLIC WORKS AND SERVICES and Articles 6 and 7 of this resolution shall be optional." 

Revisions to Resolution 850 of June 27, 1996: 

- Article 13 has been amended, it will be replaced by the following: 
"ARTICLE 13.- On the labels or legends corresponding to this regime placed on imported goods, the name of the importer shall be allowed to be replaced by the corresponding Unique Tax Identification Code (CUIT)." 

Resolution 404 of December 5, 2016 and its amendments has been repealed. 

For full information, please refer to the following link: 

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