On 10 June 2022, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced one new substance will be viewed as a Substance of Very High Concern (SVHC) and has been added to the Candidate List under REACH regulation (EC) 1907/2006.
The ECHA Candidate List now contains 224 substances.
After inviting interested parties to comment on the addition of a potential new SVHC, the Member States Committee agreed on including the one new substance to the ECHA Candidate List. Therefore the list now contains 224 substances in total.
Once a substance is put on the Candidate List, producers, importers or suppliers may have information obligations if the article contains more than 0.1% of an SVHC. Notification of the ECHA is required as well if the total amount of the specific SVHC exceeds 1 ton/ year. From 5 January 2021, article suppliers may also need to notify SVHC in their articles (i.e. more than 0.1%) to ECHA’s SCIP database under the Waste Framework Directive.
Name | CAS no. (EC no.) | Reason for inclusion | Potential uses |
N-(hydroxymethyl)acrylamide | 924-42-5 (213-103-2) | Carcinogenic; Mutagenic | As a monomer for polymerisation, as a fluoroalkyl acrylate copolymer, and in paints and coatings. |
Additional Information
The Full ECHA Candidate List: https://echa.europa.eu/candidate-list-table
The ECHA announcement: https://echa.europa.eu/-/one-hazardous-chemical-added-to-the-candidate-list
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