Webinar: Compostability Verified by BV Green Mark

Mar. 12 2024

Verify your products’ compostability with BV Green Mark

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of what happens to their products at the end of their life, and the waste they produce. To reduce their impact on landfills, consumers may select a more biodegradable product that breaks down in compost environments.

Launching to support businesses in communicating their products’ compostability credentials, our compostability verification scheme leverages our specialized biodegradability testing capabilities in order to verify how your products degrade in different environments, such as marine, home-composting or industrial composting areas.

We will test your product in a simulated home-composting environment in our compostability lab over a period of 90 or 180 days, monitoring the degree of degradability across this period in order to accurately verify how it breaks down.

Following the test, a BV Mark will be granted with the verified degree of compostability shown, which can then be used to promote the tested product.


Compostability Verified by BV Green Mark

Bureau Veritas Speaker:

Lewis BACON, BV Mark Product Manager | Global Sales & Marketing



*Please note that Bureau Veritas webinars are client and partner only events. We reserve the right to deny any registration. This webinar is being presented in English.