leather boots


China AMR Market Surveillance of Footwear and Leather Goods in Some Regions of China from April to June 2021

Aug. 3 2021

Seven categories of footwear and leather goods were inspected and reported from April to June 2021 in some regions of China, covering children shoes, athletic shoes, leather shoes, snow boots, handbags, knapsacks, luggage, etc. The inspected regions include State, Guizhou, Guangdong, Fujian, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Shanghai.

Download Bulletin PDF file to view table for summary of market surveillance results. 

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Please note these recent nonconformities identified by China inspectors. If you have trouble understanding the China regulatory requirements of these products or you would like to verify your similar products in China market conform to regulatory requirements, please contact your Bureau Veritas customer service representative or email: info@us.bureauveritas.com.
China – Guangzhou: bvcps_pyinfo@cn.bureauveritas.com
China – Shanghai: contact-cn@bureauveritas.com