

Technology Products Newsletter | 
August 2024

Aug. 30 2024

Welcome to our August issue of Bureau Veritas’ Global Technology Products Newsletter, featuring updates on the electrical, automotive/new mobility, and electronics/wireless market segments.

Bureau Veritas Buffalo ISO 17025 Accreditation Scope Expansion

The expansion of its ISO 17025 accreditation now includes the scope of MechanicalBiological, and New Chemical. It covers the safety standard for button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries (Reece's Law), along with several Restricted Substances List (RSL) test methods.

Bureau Veritas Auburn Hills Launches High Voltage Testing

With this new equipment, Bureau Veritas now has the capacity to provide High Voltage Transient Testing to ISO 7637-4, and ISO 21498. With the use of the Powerwave as a Power Supply, we can test HV components (such as E-Motors, Battery Packs, etc.) to the standard 12volt specifications for devices or OEM’s that haven’t moved to a dedicated High Voltage Specification.